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:: Authors Guide ::
 | Post date: 2022/07/16 | 
Authors Guide:
Quarterly Journal of Administrative Law
(Scientific - Research)
Article writing style
  • Articles should be research and the result of the author or authors' research in the field of administrative law in order to explain, provide and facilitate the relation of the people and the government within the laws and documents of the country, especially the general policies of the administrative system communicated by the Supreme Leader.
  • The article must be compiled in a valid scientific way so that it has a logical order and the following components:
    • o Accurate and clear title, names and characteristics of article owners (researchers), abstract, keywords, introduction, logical and coherent text, references and citations, conclusions, sources and references.
    • o Research method includes research topic, objectives, hypotheses or questions and research background in a concise and clear manner.
    • o The abstract should have 250-150 words and include the subject and the most important results of the research and a maximum of 5 words should be presented as keywords.
    • In the footnote, the academic rank, the University Service and e - mail, and contact number of the authors and the responsible author will be determined.
  • It is necessary to send the English translation of the article title, abstract and keywords along with the article.
  • The article should be typed in A4 format with B-Mitra 12 font and normal margins of 2.54 on each side and the space between the lines is 1.2.
  • The topics and contents should be divided using the main and sub-numbers (maximum up to 3 numbers, such as: 2-2-3) and the main number should be on the left and the sub-numbers should be on the right, and using titles such as section, chapter and season to be avoided.
  • The volume of the article must be between 6,000 and 8000 words.
  • The article shall not be published in any internal or external journal, or at the same time submitted to other magazines.
  • The quarterly is free to modify and edit accepted articles.
  • In contrast to information, statistics and any claims, the source should be given in text. This section also includes tables and graphs.
  • References are in-text and APA-based.
  • It is necessary to mention the non-Persian equivalent of specialized words, names of people or places in a footnote.
  • At the end of the submitted article, the alphabetical list of Persian and Latin sources (bibliography) should be presented by APA method (first Persian and Arabic sources and then Latin sources)
  • If the submitted article is extracted from a dissertation (master-doctoral), only the student with the dissertation, supervisor and advisor of the same dissertation will be accepted, and if the article is the result of a research project, there is no limit on the degree and number of authors.
  • The number and order of the authors of the article are accepted as specified in the initial version and the time of submission to the journal office, and the request to remove or change the order of the authors' names can be investigated only before the final judging and at the written request of the responsible author. Is.
  • The responsibility of each article in terms of science, order of names and follow-up will be the responsibility of the author.
  • Articles will be evaluated by the editorial board in collaboration with the jury and, if approved, will be published in accordance with the rules of the journal. The editorial board and judges of the journal have full authority to reject, accept or modify the articles, as well as to review any request of the author (s).
  • The submitted article will be evaluated by at least two judges. The publication of the article will be subject to the acceptance of two judges and the final approval of the editorial board and the editor in accordance with the internal regulations of the quarterly. Therefore, the positive opinions of the judges do not mean the final acceptance of the article, but the final acceptance of the article is subject to the approval of the editorial board and the editor of the quarterly.
  • The certificate of acceptance of the article will be issued by the editor of the journal after the completion of the judging process and the final approval of the editorial board, and will be notified to the responsible author.
  • After the article is published, a copy of the publication containing the article will be sent to the responsible author.
  • Articles that are not prepared and do not comply with the contents of this guide will not be reviewed.
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فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی حقوق اداری Administrative Law
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