Investigating the Proper Monitoring of Audio and Video Broadcasts in Cyberspace from a Legal Perspective
Abstract: (2150 Views) |
The expandation of cyberspace has led to the proliferation of tools and releasing audio and video areeasier than before, and governments are required to monitor and administrative police to protect the rights of citizens and public order. Applying this oversight requires a legislative stipulation, and only an institution can monitor the dissemination of audio and video in cyberspace, which has been granted by the legislature or another competent body. According to the findings of this study, in order to determine the supervisory body in this field, it is necessary to separate the publication of audio and video that has the attribute of "pervasive". Non-pervasive publishing is also overseen by the Virtual Business Association, which is authorized to issue licenses for these activities. Of course, it seems that the monitoring of virtual activities should be applied retroactively, and the government should enter into the issue and exercise sovereignty only in the event of a crime or violation. Also, the use of the capacity of the jury and non-governmental organizations for optimal supervision in this field can be considered by the legislators in this field. |
Keywords: Cyberspace, Optimal monitoring, universal audio and video |
Type of Study: Research |
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