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:: Volume 11, Issue 39 (10-2024) ::
qjal 2024, 11(39): 163-193 Back to browse issues page
The effects of the supervision of the General Inspection Organization on the efficiency of the government in Iran
Abdolali Zareiean , Mahdi Shabannyamansour * , Seyedjavad Mirghasemi
Abstract:   (197 Views)
In recent years, people expect more, diverse and extensive work from the governments, and in order to meet this expectation, the governments have sought to implement programs and policies through which they can bring the country and the people to progress and development as much as possible. Bring prosperity to them. In this era, deciding to choose the best monitoring tool and creating a monitoring system based on a logical order and establishment on legal rationality became an important concern of governments and thinkers. After the establishment of the new bureaucracy in Iran, in various principles of the constitution, (including principles (92) and (102) of the constitutional amendment and (55), (100), (134), (161), (173) ) and (174) the Constitution of the Islamic Republic) and ordinary laws (for example, the laws on how to implement Article 90 of the Constitution and the parliament's supervision of the behavior of the representatives) and higher-level documents (for example, the judicial reform document) to monitor the actions and actions of the government are given special attention and it was expected that with the activation of the supervisory bodies, order would be established in the administrative bodies, but in practice it did not happen. For the pathology of the issue, the effects of the supervision of the General Inspection Organization on the efficiency of the government in Iran (which, in the framework of Article (174) of the Constitution, is responsible for monitoring the "proper flow of affairs" and "proper implementation of laws" in administrative institutions), It is examined to find out; To what extent has that organization contributed to the efficiency of governments? And if he is not successful in his mission, it is appropriate; What changes should happen in its approach and function to become an efficient and effective organization? Undoubtedly, obtaining a correct answer will lead to the realization of the rule of law and good governance and sustainable development, ensuring the health of administrative organizations and detecting damages to prevent obstacles and deviations, etc.
Keywords: Inspection organization, supervision, efficiency, government policy, social actors.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Zareiean A, Shabannyamansour M, Mirghasemi S. The effects of the supervision of the General Inspection Organization on the efficiency of the government in Iran. qjal 2024; 11 (39) :163-193
URL: http://qjal.smtc.ac.ir/article-1-1327-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 39 (10-2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی حقوق اداری Administrative Law
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