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:: Volume 11, Issue 36 (1-2024) ::
qjal 2024, 11(36): 51-70 Back to browse issues page
Compulsory purchase of lands and implementation of public plans in the Iranian and British legal systems
Farhang Faghih larijani *
Abstract:   (372 Views)
Compulsory acquisition of real estate is a method of implementing public plans by which people's lands and properties are compulsorily purchased through administrative and legal processes; In most legal systems, the transfer of ownership and possession of lands for public use is done in exchange for compensation of the damages caused to the owners and rights holders. The purpose of this paper is to provide a legal analysis of how to determine the compensation for compulsory purchases in Iran compared to the British legal system so that the legal shortcomings of compensation and the grounds for its correction are provided. In Iran's legal system, due to the prominence of “the principle of dominion over property” in Islamic jurisprudence and the background of guaranteeing private property in civil law, the principle of securing public interests as a legal principle has not been explicitly recognized, and has not established its place in legal doctrine. This analysis, in "non-use of the title of “compulsory purchase” in the laws related to public projects, "non-exact use of the term compensation or damage in the “land Acquisition laws" as well as "no provision for compensation for the various types of damages" has been reflected. in contrast, in British law, the result of the conflict between the principle of respect for private property and the principle of providing public benefits was the recognition of the principle of fairness and equivalence in compensation, which has provided a fair and consistent legal order. While in Iran, the focus is on ownership of property and rights and payment of the property price, and compensation methods do not include various divisions
Keywords: Compulsory purchase, Compensation, Public plans, British law
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Faghih larijani F. Compulsory purchase of lands and implementation of public plans in the Iranian and British legal systems. qjal 2024; 11 (36) :51-70
URL: http://qjal.smtc.ac.ir/article-1-1230-en.html

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