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:: Volume 11, Issue 39 (10-2024) ::
qjal 2024, 11(39): 219-242 Back to browse issues page
Development or Limitation of Jurisdiction: Analysis of the Approach of the Legislator in the Latest Amendments to the Law of the Administrative Court of Justice
Yaser Gholami , Meysam Javadi , Mohammadbagher Moghadasi *
Abstract:   (93 Views)
The Court of Administrative Justice, as the authority for citizens' complaints against the actions of government agencies and officials, plays a fundamental role in protecting citizens' rights and preventing the illegal actions of government agencies and officials. A look at the latest amendment of Act of the Organization and Procedure of the Administrative Court of Justice (2023) shows that the legislator has a dilemma in drafting this law. On the one hand, it has tried to expand the scope of the court's jurisdiction, and on the other hand, it has limited the scope of the court's activities. The expansion of the jurisdiction of the court in dealing with the substantive claims of citizens' damages from the actions of government agencies is one of the examples of the expansion of the jurisdiction of the court. On the other hand, this law has limited the jurisdiction of the court by providing a new procedure for citizens to complain about the illegal actions of government agencies, such as the need to submit a written response from the government agency at the time of filing a petition, predicting the passage of time in filing lawsuits against government agencies, and considering the approvals of some councils as un-appealable. This article tries to analyze and examine the weaknesses and strengths of this law in the development and limitation of the jurisdiction of the court by using library sources and analytical descriptive method as well as examining the procedure of the court's branches from the time this act came into effect. The findings of this article show that despite some positive innovations of this act, such as predicting the passage of time in filing lawsuits, some amendments of this act, such as declaring the approvals of some councils and institutions as non-appealable, as well as predicting some administrative processes for filing lawsuits, will limit the jurisdiction of the court and as a result, will prevent citizens from filing grievances. Therefore, in order to defend the citizens, it seems necessary for the legislator to revise these amendments
Keywords: Administrative Court of Justice, Government Agencies, Jurisprudence, Administrative Procedure, Judicial Supervision, People's Rights
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Gholami Y, Javadi M, Moghadasi M. Development or Limitation of Jurisdiction: Analysis of the Approach of the Legislator in the Latest Amendments to the Law of the Administrative Court of Justice. qjal 2024; 11 (39) :219-242
URL: http://qjal.smtc.ac.ir/article-1-1329-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 39 (10-2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی حقوق اداری Administrative Law
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